







When healing grows roots

Healing is an intentional journey that we are all on. It’s a journey that frees disserving beliefs, that grounds a new higher, wider perspective, that releases looping patterns, and makes a healthier version of us – body, mind, emotions, and the Soul – possible.

Healing is the soul’s journey of befriending and becoming one with your Authentic Self. It’s a journey of homecoming that includes receiving the gifts of new resources, living with a deeper resilience, and celebrations of embodiment.

Living this healing journey presents opportunities that grow us wiser, stronger, compassionate, inspirited, and more deeply connected with the all that is that is around us all the time.

These opportunities show up as patterns – physical ones, emotional ones, interpersonal ones, Spiritual ones. Often upon reflection, you might find that you have the same anxiety patterns that show up across different areas of your life; you might feel the same unnameable smallness in specific situations, you might experience disserving relationships that appear throughout your life.

In energy-speak, these patterns are energies that have been frozen in your energy system. They act like loops, repeatedly showing up, saying, “Hi! Hello! Look over here – your healing journey is leading you this way!

My work with you becomes identifying these looping patterns, freeing that stuck energy with new resources, grounding your new foundation, and nurturing the larger harmonic that becomes you.

And, while it seems like a lot, I’m extraordinarily gifted at walking this healing journey with you in a way that cuts out the noise, focuses the energy, and offers resources that help you ground, heal, and grow.

Root & Resource

Establish Flow

Nurture & Celebrate


We're in this together

All healing is self healing, but what invites, encourages and supports healing is the space in which you are held. 

As human beings, we are complex and dynamic creatures, and our healing needs can vary from moment to moment. Sometimes, we need gentleness and space to explore our emotions; other times, we may need a dash of insight or a dose of power to push through a difficult moment. So whether you need external guidance or seek wisdom from within, I am with you every step in the journey.

Being authentic, grounded, and present is one of my superpowers, and I bring this energy to every healing session. As a result, I create a flexible and dynamic space that adapts to your unique needs and creates a profoundly healing environment.

Being part of your healing journey is an honor and a privilege. Healing is a collective experience, and we are all in this together. I invite you to explore our website and learn how we can support you toward wholeness and healing. Let’s create a space where healing is possible and growth is inevitable.

Schedule a Free Consultation

The Healing Space
Lynne McTaggart - Internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

“This extraordinarily gifted healer and teacher has taken energy healing to a powerful new level through her deep understanding of life’s essential interconnectedness. She creates an energetic alchemy between healer and healee by tapping into the energetic space between them, always reflecting back the possibility of absolute healing. Her many contributions to the healing canon include a highly original energetic protocol that quickly and permanently heals childhood attachment wounds, through which she has healed thousands. When it comes to healing with full-hearted love, compassion and positivity, Amelia Vogler is, quite simply, the rare – and real – article.”

Internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.


Writing for Healing

Pathworking Body, Heart, Soul & Relationships in 2025

Join Amelia in a 5 day program to clarify the messages and direction from your Spirit. 

Listen to what is and what wishes to be.
Find the fixtures of stability, strength and resilience.
Enter into the quiet landscape of your inner world so that the whispers of truth are heard.
Open to dialog with curiosity and self-love.
Give voice to what wishes to be heard.
Manifest the path from that which is spoken.
Walk in the direction of your dreams.

Join me in a 5 day writing program to give space for the whispers of your truth to be heard and make your soul's journey map for 2025.  

Join Amelia Vogler January 1st (New Years Day for meditation) and to listen, dream and write on January 7, 8, 9, 10th.

For More Information

The Healing Space
Cyndi Dale - Best selling authoring of 30 books on Energy Healing, including the Subtle Body Series

“Amelia’s heart and skill for healing is boundless. Her knowledge base about energy healing is vast–and even more powerful–is the accuracy and compassion she brings to every session, class, and endeavor. I’ve not met anyone with her precision of truth and energy medicine expertise. It’s been my good fortune to share time with her and be on the receiving end of her blessed gifts. ”

Best selling authoring of 30 books on Energy Healing, including the Subtle Body Series



Transformational Classes and
Soul-Affirming Programs with Amelia


Visit Vogler Institute




Transformational Classes and
Soul-Affirming Programs with Amelia


Visit Vogler Institute


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