Hara Grounding Meditation

Welcome to your Hara Grounding Meditation

All true healing starts with the hara.

Please accept and enjoy my gift of the Hara Grounding meditation.

The hara is the system of your soul. It is the central channel that carries the wisdoms of all that you are and feeds the potential for all that you are becoming.  This meditation is precious, important, and I promise that if you use it daily for a week you will notice that your energy vibration increases and you feel more connected to your body, your life, and a higher perspective.

Curated Goodies Just for You

Affirmations of the 12 Chakras. These affirmations clarify, balance, and strengthen your primary chakras to allow you to come to life with a higher vibration.

Preview Chakra 10: 


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A short course that explores your full energetic blueprint. Amelia guides you through your energetic origin as a healing story that connects you to your inner home.



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About Amelia…


Amelia Vogler is Founder of the Vogler Institute.

She is a Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist, internationally respected teacher of energy medicine, life coach and meditation guide. She embeds essential energetic practices in her meditations and teachings to support the betterment of humanity. Her goal is to help individuals who don’t feel whole, reclaim the parts of themselves that have felt lost. In addition to her teaching and meditation work, she has an international private practice. In her 15-year career, she has helped over 7,000 individuals re-pattern or transform self-limiting negative beliefs through grounding practices, intuitive insight, and advanced energy medicine. Her practice expands around the globe, serving clients in Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada, and the United States.


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